Health Promotion and Community Partnerships

Staff meeting with two people at a community eventThe Health Promotion and Community Partnerships (HPCP) Unit is dedicated to community-driven solutions founded on the principles of collaboration and health equity. The HPCP team manages contracts with community-led organizations and coalitions to implement hyper-local, neighborhood-based programs in Alameda County. HPCP’s principal goal is to positively influence health by enhancing knowledge, building skills, strengthening capacities, and expanding access to resources. HPCP uses data to track health inequities by race, class, age, zip code, sexual orientation, and gender identity. It uses this information to focus its efforts and to prioritize people most in need.

Starting in 2022, the HPCP Unit convened and mobilized community partnerships and coalitions. This achievement was made possible through the strategic allocation of funds, totaling over $14 million from 2022 to 2023, to empower qualified community-led initiatives that help support the County’s Covid vaccine campaigns. These funds were strategically directed to 6 single organizations, 4 joint ventures, and 2 prime-sub coalitions. HPCP added 3 more coalitions tasked with implementing community resource navigation programs designed to quickly get Alameda County residents linked with the services they need.

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3,000 9,300
Nearly 3,000 vaccine events were organized, ranging from large pop-ups to street outreach, resulting in the administration of 5,700 vaccines with crucial partner support. Over 9,300 individuals were assisted in securing vaccine appointments, a process often accompanied by informative conversations to address hesitancy and answer questions in various languages, including Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Cantonese, and Amharic.
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47,000 3,314
Moreover, these initiatives led to the referral of almost 47,000 people to essential resources, recognizing that community members often needed support beyond vaccinations, such as medical appointments and rental assistance. Additionally, nearly 19,000 individuals were referred to testing, facilitated during outreach efforts where community needs were identified. In terms of vaccination information dissemination, 3,314 individuals were served at stationary Points of Dispensing (PODs) from January 2022 to June 2023. Meanwhile, at County Sponsored Pop-Up Clinics from January 2022 to December 2023, 2,412 individuals were reached, totaling 5,726 individuals.
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16,000 1,000
Nearly 16,000 individuals were connected to food services, with collaboration, especially with Open Heart Kitchen in the Tri-Valley area, playing a crucial role in facilitating referrals to address food insecurities. Approximately 1,000 people were referred to Medi-Cal (Medicaid) and other healthcare services, including the county-supported Health Pac, catering to the basic healthcare needs of undocumented individuals.
icon of a house icon of hands holding a hospital symbol
151 1,000+
A significant accomplishment involved connecting 151 individuals to permanent housing, a critical achievement in a county where housing is a major concern. Over 1,000 residents were referred to healthcare services. While engaging with the community, screenings revealed healthcare needs, prompting referrals.

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