Civil Surgeons: TB Technical Instructions
As of October 1, 2018 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released new TB Technical Instructions for Civil Surgeons.
The Alameda County Public Health Department’s TB Control Section has now made available several documents that will be helpful to Civil Surgeons and includes:
- Letter Summarizing TB Technical Instructions, reporting requirements, and Civil Surgeon responsibilities
- TB and LTBI Fact Sheet
- Alameda County Provider Guide for Diagnosis and Treatment of TB and LTBI
- List of potential clinics where a patient can receive LTBI treatment if they do not have a primary care physician or insurance
- Letters that can be sent from a Civil Surgeon to:
- Primary Care Physician summarizing evaluation and diagnosis of LTBI
- Patient summarizing results of TB evaluation and need for LTBI treatment
- Health Department patient referral for additional evaluation (e.g., symptomatic and requires additional evaluation)
If you have any additional questions or concerns, then please contact Alameda County’s TB Control Section at (510) 667–3096.