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17 Results found for "childcare"

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1. Resources

...Support, Inc. Child Care Providers American Academy of Pediatrics Caring for Our Children California Childcare Health Program California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry for Child Care Providers...

2. Resources for Child Care Providers and Schools

Excellent Vaccination Rates for Alameda County Child Care Facilities! The most recent annual childcare report from the California Department of Public Health shows that 95.8% of California child care...

3. Hepatitis B Prevention

...In addition to the above recommendations, California state law requires that children who attend childcare or K-12 school (excluding home school) have received specific numbers of several vaccines, including...

4. Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Influenza Activity and Guidance for Clinicians

...Encourage parents and caregivers to keep young children with acute respiratory illnesses out of childcare, even if they have tested negative for SARS-CoV-2. Discourage health care personnel, childcare...

5. Merck Recall

February 2008 - In response to the recall of Merck’s Haemophilus influenzae type b (commonly called “Hib”), the major cause of meningitis in young children, the California Department...

6. Breastfeeding and Work or School

...that protect a mother’s right to express milk at work Questions to ask you employer Tips for childcare providers And much more! For Students Laws that protect lactating teens at school Laws that...

7. Services

...Support Referrals Case-Management with one-on-one support Incentives and resources Healthy meals and childcare provided at each in-person session * Currently due to COVID-19 safety protocols, groups...

8. Measles in San Francisco Bay Area

...transmission can occur in settings with large numbers of people like healthcare facilities, schools, childcares, shopping centers, public transportation, airports, and amusement parks. Clinicians should...

9. Economics

...residence, are able to pay for basic needs (including housing, food, transportation, healthcare, and childcare) and build wealth. Everyone has access to income, through well-paying jobs that provide...

10. General Vaccine Information

...clinics. How do I locate my vaccination records? Immunization records often are needed for entry into childcare, kindergarten, school, summer camp, and college or other post-high school training, as...

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