Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

black infant lying on stomache looking upWho is eligible to sign up?

  • Alameda County residents
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Pregnant African-American women up to 30 weeks gestation at the time of enrollment
  • Services are free to all women who are eligible regardless of income

Black Infant Health only for Black women?

Yes, babies born to Black women die at three to four times the rate of other babies in all populations within the first year of life. Black women die in childbirth at three times the rate of other women in all populations. Black Infant Health’s mission is intended to address the poor birth outcomes and health disparities that affect Black women and their babies.

Will I have to attend group sessions?

Yes, BIH uses a group-based approach. Groups are designed to help women build social support, manage stress, and empower women to make healthy choices for themselves and their babies.

What is a Family Health Advocate?

Every BIH participant will be assigned their very own Family Health Advocate (FHA). An FHA is an advocate who also ensures that participants are connected to the appropriate community and social resources in Alameda County. Our FHA’s are respectful, courteous, competent, open-minded, considerate, and are here to support you.

How do I sign up?

Women can self- refer or be referred by their provider. You can reach Shamelle Bremond by phone at
510-618-2019 or by email at


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