2015 Statement Medical and Health Exercises

2015 Statement Medical and Health Exercises

This year’s Statewide Medical and Health Exercise is designed to build upon our medical and public health community based capability and capacity for a disaster-related healthcare response. The scenario for the 2015 Statewide Medical and Health Exercise is a H5N1 pandemic scenario. For more information about planning and preparation for the exercise this year view the Flyer.

If your organization is interested in participating in this exercise please complete and return this Medical Health Intent to Participant Form.

Functional Exercise

The Public Health Department Operations Center will be partially activated during October and November to practice response to a major infectious disease that will stress medical systems. Various activities will be conducted in the weeks culminating in the November 19th Medical Surge Exercise. Please see the exercise schedule below. Registered participants will receive additional information regarding exercise participation. Please use this opportunity to test capability and expand capacity in your agency.

October 8, 2015 Tabletop Exercise

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