For Clinicians

For Clinicians

Measles Situation Update

March 14, 2025

As of March 13, 2025, over 300 measles confirmed measles cases have been reported by 15 juridisctions in the U.S. This is already more than the number of measles cases in the U.S. in all of 2024. For more information please visit:

There have been 3 outbreaks (defined as 3 or more related cases) reported in 2025, and 93% of cases are outbreak-associated. For comparison, 16 outbreaks were reported during 2024 and 69% of cases (198 of 285) were outbreak-associated. As of March 11, five confirmed measles cases have been reported in California in 2025.

Actions Requested of Clinicians
  1. Consider measles in any patient presenting with a febrile rash illness, especially if unvaccinated for measles or traveled internationally in the last 21 days. The AMA/CDC Be on Alert for Travel-Related Measles webinar may be a helpful resource. 

  2. If you suspect measles in a patient, please follow the steps listed in this infographic.

  3. Patients with suspected measles should be placed in an Airborne Infection Isolation Room immediately, if possible. Detailed infection control guidance can be found here.
  4. Suspect measles cases should be reported to ACPHD by phone immediately, and while the patient is still present if possible. M-F 8:30AM-5PM: (510) 267-3250; after-hours: (925)422-7595.

  5. Collect Respiratory swab (NP or OP (OP is preferred specimen type)) and urine for measles PCR testing at the Alameda County Public Health Lab with approval from ACPHD. When directed, serum samples for Measles IgM/IgG should be collected and routed to the California Department of Public Health-Viral and Rickettsial Disease Lab (VRDL). Do NOT use commercial laboratories for suspect measles cases. For detailed instructions, please see ACPHD’s Measles Testing & Specimen Routing Procedures document.

  6. Ensure patients with suspected measles understand that they must isolate pending test results.

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