ACPHD and BPH Joint Zika Virus Update

Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD) and Berkeley Public Health (BPH) are now encouraging providers to route Zika virus testing through commercial labs for uncomplicated situations.  Routing directly to authorized commercial labs does not compromise quality and improves turnaround time by up to five weeks.

Clinicians should continue to obtain testing through Public Health (ACPHD or BPH) in complex or questionable situations, such as:

  • A fetus or infant with microcephaly or signs of congenital Zika virus syndrome whose mother was potentially exposed to Zika virus;
  • A person with Guillain-Barré syndrome and potential exposure to Zika virus; or
  • When sexual, local mosquito-borne, laboratory, or blood transfusion/organ transplant exposure is suspected.

If there are clinical circumstances where it is unclear whether a specimen should be routed through ACPHD or a commercial lab, clinicians should consult with the ACPHD Acute Communicable Disease section during normal business hours M-F 9am – 5pm by calling 510-267-3250. For Berkeley residents only, contact the Berkeley Communicable Disease program by calling 510-981-5292.

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