Community Health Needs Assessment

Community Health Needs Assessment

The Alameda County Public Health Department contributed to the extensive community health needs assessments (CHNA) aimed at identifying factors throughout the County that contribute to health challenges and disparities. In the assessments “community health” goes beyond traditional health measures by including the physical health of community members as well as quality of life indicators (e.g., access to health care, affordable housing, child care, education, and employment), the physical environment, and other social factors that influence health. This inclusive definition of health aligns with the ACPHD vision and commitment to advance social and health equity.

The CHNA reports describe each community, presents data on life expectancy, the leading causes of death and chronic illness. The reports also examine the strengths, assets, and resources available in each community that might contribute to improved population health outcomes. Each CHNA included participation from local public health systems including the health department, local governments, private business, community-based organizations, and community members. ACPHD staff participated in CHNA focus groups, provided population data to inform the identification of health trends, and conducted over 20 focus groups with hundreds of residents to ensure an informed approach to addressing community health needs in Alameda County.

2022-2025 Community Health Needs Assessment
2019 Community Health Needs Assessment (Kaiser and Alameda County Public Health Department)
2019 Community Implementation Strategy (Kaiser in collaboration with the Alameda County Public Health Department)
2016 Community Health Needs Assessment
2016 Implementation Strategy Report

Contact the Quality Improvement and Accreditation (QIA) Unit with questions, 510-267-8017.

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