Enhanced Care Management Program
Program Description
- Enhanced Care Management is also known as ECM.
- ECM is a new benefit for clients with Medi-Cal.
- ECM is free.
- ECM offers extra support beyond what CCS covers.
- Each eligible client will have a Lead Care Manager.
- Lead Care Managers partner with clients and families to help with life and health needs.
- Lead Care Managers also talk with CCS Nurses and other providers to help clients get the care they need.
To learn more, call the Alameda County CCS ECM Helpline: 510-208-1030
or email CCSECM@acgov.org.
or email CCSECM@acgov.org.
Alameda County CCS ECM Fact Sheets: English | Spanish | Arabic | Chinese-Simplified | Chinese-Traditional | Farsi | Tagalog | Tigrinya | Vietnamese
Who can get ECM?
CCS clients must meet number one and number two below to get ECM.
Clients must get approved for ECM by their Medi-Cal plan (Alameda Alliance or Kaiser).
- CCS clients who:
- Had three or more emergency room visits or two or more hospital visits that were not planned in the past 12-months.
- Have life concerns that affect their health. The client or family may need help with these or other things:
- Stable housing
- Food needs
- Getting stable in-home care
- Mental health concerns or substance use
- School and education services
- Had three or more emergency room visits or two or more hospital visits that were not planned in the past 12-months.
- Clients who are Medi-Cal members with Alameda Alliance for Health or Kaiser.
How does Alameda County CCS help with ECM?
- For CCS clients who are Alameda Alliance members, Alameda County CCS provides ECM services for authorized clients. Alameda Alliance may assign their members to another ECM provider. CCS staff (nurses, PTs, OTs and social workers) will work with those providers.
- For CCS clients who are Kaiser members with Medi-Cal, CCS staff can help complete referrals to Kaiser ECM.
How can clients apply for ECM?
- Anyone can refer a CCS client for ECM.
- Alameda Alliance clients can ask for ECM by
- Calling the Alameda Alliance Case Management Department at 510-747-4512.
Or - Filling out an ECM Approval Request form and sending it to Alameda Alliance via fax (1-510-995-3725) or email (ECM@alamedaalliance.org)
- Calling the Alameda Alliance Case Management Department at 510-747-4512.
- Alameda Alliance will inform the client of approval or denial. If the client is approved, CCS or another ECM provider will call the client.
- Kaiser clients
- Complete page 1, 2, and the top of page 3 of Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports Referral Form
Call the Alameda County CCS ECM Help Line (510-208-1030)
to get help filling out the forms.
to get help filling out the forms.